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Travel With a Cause - Not for Profit travel agency making a difference in the world.

Updated: Jun 5, 2018

Travel With a Cause - Not for Profit travel agency making a difference in the world.

Well the topic for today is something dear to my heart.

I've been involved in the not for profit travel agency, Travel With A Cause Inc (TWAC) since inception. With a vision to impact the horrendous poverty in what's now defined as the "Developing Nations" (they used to be referred to as "Third World Countries"), TWAC was created in late 2006 ago in response to its directors visiting a number of countries including: Fiji, South Africa and Zambia. TWAC commenced sponsoring schools, AIDS programs and orphanages etc.

By law, TWAC gives away 100% of its annual company profits. Like all travel agencies TWAC makes profits on travel sales but instead of these profits making directors rich or shareholders wealthy TWAC exists to give away 100% of its net profits. That's as radical as it is new I think!

In late 2009 TWAC expanded its vision to include funding NGOs working throughout the entire world. The radical business plan is that TWAC enables NGOs to turn their operating costs (travel budgets) into funding for their own projects. Moreover, if "friends and family" of an NGO book through TWAC then TWAC's "100% of net profit" model ensures that NGOs can receive thousands of dollars from "affiliated travel sales".

TWAC has two main websites: well established discount air travel website sell online travel and these websites set out TWAC's mission, goals and vision, and also defines some of the projects that TWAC already supports.

So how does TWAC work? Well it's simple... Dead simple! TWAC is an incorporated not for profit travel agency.. By law, 100% of its profits go to developing countries and to NGOs working on worthy projects throughout developed nations like Australia.

Some obvious FAQs - just to start.

1. How does TWAC pay its phone bills, accounting bills etc? How does it pay staff? Good questions! 

  • All day to day running costs (travel consultants, accountants, websites, phone costs etc) are paid from profits derived from trading as a travel agent. But at the end of the year, 100% of company profits (after running costs have been paid) by law, are sent to OECD-approved "Developing Countries such as Fiji, Colombia, Zambia, Burundi, Cameroon, Cambodia, Sikkim, South Africa and more...

  • So whenever you book travel, if you book through TWAC, then someone somewhere WILL benefit because you've booked through us.

2. What about if I'm travelling to a place with a church group or a school and we are already supporting a project in that country?

3. What's in it for the Directors? Do you take home a large pay packet?

NO! By law, our directors must carry out their duties "pro bono" (free of charge). Moreover, directors have to pay TWAC for the privilege of working as directors (this is in the form of annual membership fees).

OK.. Over to you.. Until the next episode, when I'll fill you in with some of the project work being undertaken by TWAC.

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