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Travel with purpose and help combat malnutrition and public health issues in Fiji. If you have an interest or background in nutrition, dietetics, nursing, physiotherapy and community health we are running set intakes throughout 2018 providing free health services to people in need. You'll have guidance from a qualified in country practitioner. A wonderful addition to any C.V. Applications open now. Apply today

Nutrition & Public Health Program Fiji

  • According to a study in 2013, almost 1 in 3 Fijian’s is now diabetic and now has the highest death rate from diabetes in the whole world.   Obesity is a serious issue for island communities due to a lack of public health education in the face of cheap imported high carbohydrate and fatty foods.  There is also a huge increase in non-communicable diseases (NCDs) as a result of poor diet, in particular diabetes and heart disease.

    Obesity and diabetes are placing a huge social, economical and emotional load on Fijian society. Currently, 1 in 3 Fijians are found to  have elevated blood sugar, and this is primarily attributed by the excessive consumption of simple carbohydrates like white rice, refined flour and cassava (a local root crop with very high Glycemic Index).

    IVI’s nutrition and dietetics programs generally cater to recent graduates with nutrition, dietetics or natural health backgrounds seeking valuable work experience in Fiji.  Depending on the time of year and participant numbers, you’ll participate in structured outreach programs and/or work within busy health clinics shadowing qualified health professionals and/or conducting free assessments as well as general help and assistance where needed.

*Terms and conditions & TWAC's travel service fees apply to all the products listed online. 
Products are subject to availability of the tour operator.

Travel with a Cause


Not-For-Profit | 28 years of experience

ATAS No: A10921 | ABN 35 096 017 166


Sandy Bay TAS 7005 (By appointment)

Tel: +61 3 6231 3844 | Fax: 03 6231 4855

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