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Mosquito Nets

By purchasing a $50 net off us you will be assisting our corporate client Australian Relief and Mercy Services with their BUZZ OFF project or simply saving pregnant women getting the ZIKA virus in Bali. You choose where you donate your net when you leave a mosquito compromised country.

Malaria is one of the largest killers of children in the world today. It is exclusively spread by the female Anopheline mosquito and each year in sub Saharan Africa up to 2 million people die from it. In Burma, over 40% of IDP deaths in Burma are from Malaria.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that each year there are up to 500 million episodes of malaria every year. That is up to 10 infections a minute, which translates into 300 deaths a day.

Malaria is found in many places mainly in tropical areas but the most cases are found in Africa, Asia and Central and South America. It is dominant in country´s whose economies are struggling and poverty is high.

There are 4 main types of parasite that cause Malaria the most deadly is plasmodium falciparum which causes a strain of Malaria known as PF Malaria. This strain of Malaria can kill a person within days especially when it becomes cerebral malaria. The happens when the PF malaria parasites in the blood block the capillaries of the brain. PF malaria is responsible for up to 90% of malaria deaths in Africa alone!

By making Malaria a higher priority more will be done to eradicate the disease.

Buzz Off is also a means through which signatory organizations can share resources through the the Buzz Off web site. Educational material, resources and information can be downloaded so that more information is available to more people.

This web site also carries up to date information about Malaria as well as containing links to useful information. Training, Prevention, Education, Quick diagnosis and Proper treatment

Australian Mercy has been running the Buzz Off program on the Thai Burmese border and in Greater Myanmar since 2008. In that time we have provided 21,110 Rapid Diagnostic Test kits and treated 15,425 cases of malaria in IDP areas. It has given malaria training to 122 medics working in IDP clinics, and has distributed 18,101 family sized LLIN mosquito nets into IDP areas. In greater Myanmar they have trained over 300 malaria workers and set up 4 healthcare networks that are servicing villages in remote areas.

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